Thursday 5 February 2015

How to Recover Deleted Whatsapp Messages

Whatsapp is one of the most widely used Smartphone messenger till today. It has various features like real time messaging, media sharing, group chatting and so on. Apart from this, Whatsapp also offers some hidden features that most of the people don’t know. Have you ever wondered how to recover deleted Whatsapp messages? The answer would be probably ‘yes’. Most of the times we delete our Whatsapp conversation and then after sometime we realize that we accidently deleted an important message. So today we are sharing a comprehensive guide on how to recover deleted Whatsapp messages using Whatsapp backup and restore feature.
How To Recover Deleted Whatsapp Messages:
Recovering deleted Whatsapp messages is very simple, you don’t need to be a geek in order to retrieve deleted Whatsapp messages, anyone without heavy computing and programming knowledge can recover deleted Whatsapp messages easily. So without taking much of your time here we go.
Recovering Recent Whatsapp Messages(Less than 7 Days old): 
It’s very simple to recover Whatsapp chat history that is less than 7 days old. Every day at 4 am Whatsapp automatically creates a backup file of your chat history at your memory card. You can then use that backup file to recover deleted Whatsapp messages.
To make use of that backup file, just uninstall the Whatsapp messenger and then install it again, after installation, Whatsapp will ask you to Restore, Click on restore and you are done. All the chat history that is less than 7 days old will again start to appear on your Whatsapp messenger.
Recovering Old Whatsapp Messages (More than 7 days old):
Recovering old Whatsapp messages is bit complicated, Before you begin recovery, Please note that all the recent chats before particular backup will be lost upon restoration. Here are the steps to recover your old Whatsapp chat history.
1) Download and install a file manager from Google play.
2) Uninstall Whatsapp messenger.
 3) Now using that file manager Navigate to /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases folder.
4) You will find some files in that folder, as you can see in the snapshot below.

Retrieve Deleted Whatsapp Messages
5) Select any particular date file which you want to restore and rename it to msgstore.db.crypt
i.e: Rename msgstore-2013-12-05.1.db.crypt file to msgstore.db.crypt.
6) Install Whatsapp messenger again, and choose restore when prompted. The backup file msgstore.db.crypt is restored and viola, your deleted Whatsapp messages is restored again.
So, here comes the end of article on how to recover deleted Whatsapp messages. I hope you all would have liked the article. In case of any query or suggestion please drop your valuable comments in comment box below.

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Learn how to search

Use of Internet is an integral part of learning and searching information for students. Be it for assignments, research or plain surfing students just Google and get the information. It is an extremely important tool to find information. But the problem comes in sifting the right information. To get the right information one needs to distinguish the primary and secondary sources of information available.

Web search is a remarkable tool and if instructions in how to search are available academic sources will help students to become an independent thinker.

For this Google has come up with an excellent tool to help and teach students to become a better searcher. Google’s Search Education site offers a plethora of beginner, intermediate, and advanced search lesson plans related to picking the right terms, understanding results, narrowing a search, searching for evidence for research tasks, and evaluating the credibility of sources.

The site offers lesson plans to be download to develop students' search literacy skills, Power searching to improve search skills and learn advanced tips with online lessons and activities, A Google a Day Challenges that put students' search skills to the test with these trivia challenges and Live Training for live search trainings or watch past trainings from search experts.

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WiFi Phisher – A New Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security

George Chatzisofroniou has published a new Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security using a WiFi social engineering tool designed to steal credentials from users of secure wireless networks.

The administrator at the University of Greece developed the WiFiPhisher tool which is used to discover and replicate WPA-protected networks, sans password.

The tool, can be downloaded from GitHub here and works by producing a number of deauthorisation packets at a legitimate access point jamming it and prompting users to inspect available networks.

Users will see the malicious network posing as their trusted access point.

“WiFiPhisher is a security tool that mounts fast automated phishing attacks against WPA networks in order to obtain the secret passphrase [and] does not include any brute forcing,” Chatzisofroniou @_sophron said.

“WifiPhisher sniffs the area and copies the target access point’s settings [and] creates a rogue wireless access point that is modeled on the target.”

“As soon as the victim requests a page from the internet, WifiPhisher will respond with a realistic fake page that asks for WPA password confirmation due to a router firmware upgrade.”
                                               How it works 

New Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security
Wifiphisher is a security tool that mounts fast automated phishing attacks against WPA networks in order to obtain the secret passphrase. It is a social engineering attack that unlike other methods it does not include any brute forcing. It is an easy way for obtaining WPA credentials.

From the victim’s perspective, the attack makes use in three phases:

1.) Victim is being deauthenticated from their access point. Wifiphisher continuously jams all of the target access point’s wifi devices within range by sending deauth packets to the client from the access point, to the access point from the client, and to the broadcast address as well.

2.) Victim joins a rogue access point. Wifiphisher sniffs the area and copies the target access point’s settings. It then creates a rogue wireless access point that is modeled on the target. It also sets up a NAT/DHCP server and forwards the right ports. Consequently, because of the jamming, clients will start connecting to the rogue access point. After this phase, the victim is MiTMed.

3.) Victim is being served a realistic router config-looking page. wifiphisher employs a minimal web server that responds to HTTP & HTTPS requests. As soon as the victim requests a page from the Internet, wifiphisher will respond with a realistic fake page that asks for WPA password confirmation due to a router firmware upgrade.

Here is a diagram of the above:
New Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security
New Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security

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Facebook Malware infected more than 110K users and is still rising

A new Facebook Malware in the form of a Trojan is infecting hundreds of thousands of  Facebook users in only two days.

The trojan works by tagging the infected user’s friends in an enticing post. When they open the post, the user will get a preview of a porn video which plays for a short while before stopping and asking the user to download a (fake) flash player to continue the preview. The fake flash player is the downloader of the actual malware.

This trojan is slightly different from previos social network related Malware. For example, the previous trojans sent messages (on behalf of the victim) to the victim’s friends. When the friends were infected, the malware could go one step further and infect the friends of the initial victim’s friends.

In the new technique, which has been coined by Seclists as “Magnet”, the malware gets more visibility to the potential victims as it tags the friends of the victim in a the malicious post. In this case, the tag may be seen by friends of the victim’s friends as well, which leads to a larger number of potential victims. Thus speeding up malware propagation.

There is an temporary solution for identifying the Malware from Seclist, this information might come in handy:

The MD5 of the executable file (fake flash player):
The SHA1 of the executable file (fake flash player)
: b836facdde6c866db5ad3f582c86a7f99db09784
The fake flash file drops the following executables as it runs:
chromium.exe, wget.exe, arsiv.exe, verclsid.exe.

The malware is able to hijack keyboard and mouse movement from an initial investiagation from Seclist.

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Javascript to edit any website like facebook or google funny trick

This is very cool javascript which can be used to edit the content of any website like facebook or google you just have to copy javascript on your address bar and hit enter

This is how it works:-

Open any website in Google Chrome, or in Opera and enter the below code to the address bar of the browser.

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

•and press enter

Note :- while using This code in google chrome it may not work just by pasting it on address bar you have to add " javascript: " in the beginning manually .

    • In chrome it will look like This when you paste it:-

document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

    • then u have to add " javascript: " without "" in beginning of code so it will look like this:-

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

• and hit enter

• Now u can edit any website

Here's one more script to make images float on any website just copy and paste it into address bar:-

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

Note:-works well with firefox:-4 , Opera , in chrome you have to add:- javascript: in the beginning manually.


Keep your facebook account safe

Hello friends,Now a days aprox. eachand every internet user is on facebook, And facebook has became so popular that it has No.2 rank on the basis of pageviews , You can guess who is No.1 its the giant GOOGLE Lets get back to our topic. So friendsit has became so tuff task to keep your facebook account safe, today I am telling you some methods that canhelp you to keep you facebook account free from problems. Here are some methods that can make your account safe

1. Set the security setting on your profile to "Only my friends." by doing this you can keep your personal things from exposing to bad guys who can use and try to takeover your account

2.Don't post any bad photo of you (for example, while you are smoking) on facebook as it may get on the eyes of your parents or School prinicpal.

3. Don't put your Phone numbers,address as someone might call you and disturb.

4. Change your password and recovery email address time to time to keep your account safe from being captured by anyone.

 5. Don't confuse that facebook is an online dating site.

6. Remember that most of theprofiles on facebook are fake, most probably a beautiful girl profile on facebook has a huge chances to be fake.

7. Don't login on any site other than, even it seems to be ditto copyto facebook original page elseit may result you to lose youraccount

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Wednesday 4 February 2015

Command Prompt Tricks, Hacks & Codes

Command Prompt is one of the most powerful tools in Windows; but sadly, it is also the most ignored one. Things were not always like this; but with the advent of GUI based operating systems, people started feeling that computing through command based tools was boring. This ultimately lead the command prompt into obscurity.

However, the command prompt is not useless. In fact, it can be pretty useful. This article provides some excellent tricks, secrets and hacks that will make you realize that the Windows Command Prompt is not only useful but also a tool that you should definitely give more respect to.

Ascii star wars command prompt
1-Watch ASCII version of the Star Wars Episode IV movie
Surprised yet? You can watch an ASCII version of the full Star Wars Episode IV Movie right in your command prompt window. Just open command prompt, type a small code and the movie will start playing immediately. Read the complete instructions here.

2- Create Matrix falling code effect
Have you watched “The Matrix”? Of course, you have. Then, you already know what I am talking about. In case you still don't know what I mean, take a look at this image! You can create the same effect in command prompt using just a few lines of code. Head over to this post for instructions.

command prompt tricks

3- Make Folders that you cannot delete
Are you tired of accidentally deleting important folders? Well, if you are, you can learn how to make undeletable folders here.

4- Shutdown your computer giving a funny reason
What if your computer shuts down saying that it is tired and doesn't want to work anymore? It would be fun, wouldn't it? You can do so by reading the instructions here.

5- Know your IP address, DNS Server's address and a lot more about your Internet Connection
Command Prompt can even let you know your IP address. Just type ipconfig/ all in the command prompt and press Enter. Along with your IP address and DNS servers, command prompt will also return a ton of information like your host name, primary DNS suffix, node type, whether IP Routing ,Wins Proxy, and DHCP are enabled, your network adapter's description, your physical (MAC) address etc .

6- Know if your neighbours are stealing your WiFi connection
command prompt codes
Command Prompt can let you know if someone is connected to your Local Area Connection and using it. Just follow the steps:-
1) Open your browser and visit or depending on your router.
2) Find the tab that mentions “Attached Devices” or something similar.
3) Find the computer name, IP address and MAC Address (sometimes called Physical Address or Hardware Address) of your computer using the previous trick.
4 )Compare it with those displayed by your router in Step 2. If you notice some strange devices, then your neighbour has been sneaking in on your internet connection and it is best to add a password.

7- Know if someone is hacking your computer/ Trace a Hacker
Command Prompt hacks
Want to know if someone is hacking your computer? Command Prompt can help you find if someone you don't know is connected to your computer stealing private data. Just execute netstat -a and the command prompt will return a list of computers that your computer is connected to. In the results returned, Proto column gives the type of data transmission taking place (TCP or UDP) , Local address column gives the port with which your computer is connected to an external computer and the Foreign Address column gives the external computer you are connected to along with the port being used for the connection. State gives the state of the connection (whether a connection is actually established, or waiting for transmission or is “Timed Out”).

These tricks work on Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and all previous versions of Windows.