A new Facebook Malware in the form of a Trojan is infecting hundreds of thousands of Facebook users in only two days.
In the new technique, which has been coined by Seclists as “Magnet”, the malware gets more visibility to the potential victims as it tags the friends of the victim in a the malicious post. In this case, the tag may be seen by friends of the victim’s friends as well, which leads to a larger number of potential victims. Thus speeding up malware propagation.
The MD5 of the executable file (fake flash player):
The SHA1 of the executable file (fake flash player)
: b836facdde6c866db5ad3f582c86a7f99db09784
The fake flash file drops the following executables as it runs:
chromium.exe, wget.exe, arsiv.exe, verclsid.exe.
The malware is able to hijack keyboard and mouse movement from an initial investiagation from Seclist.
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